Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Target money saver

Sally Hansen Treat Your Toes Clippers or Sally Hansen Clip 'n Catch Clippers $1.99
- $1
Target printable "Sally Hansen Nail Care"
- $1 (use zip 84010, Personal Care)
 Free after coupons

Monday, September 19, 2011

It's a good week to stock up on Baby Diapers, especially at Target and Walgreens
Target Deal:
Huggies Slip-on Diapers $9.49, buy 3
use  three $2
Target printables (you'll have to use two computers) and
three $3 (S 9/11)
You will get $5 Target gift card when you check out
You will pay as low as 3/$8.47, or about $2.82 per pack after gift card.
Walgreens Deal:
Walgreens is giving a  $2 RR WYB Huggies Little Movers Slip-On Jumbo Pack Diapers at $8.99
Use $2 off Huggies diapers or wipes Walgreens home mailer or
$2 off Huggies Little Movers or Snug and Dry diapers big pk, SS 7/24 and
$3 off Huggies Little Movers slip on diapers, SS 9/11 or
$1.50 off Huggies diapers, SS 9/11

(use $3 off mfr coupon and $2 off store)
You will pay about $1.99 for a Jumbo Pack of Diapers

Saturday, September 17, 2011

WHAT:               Workshop teaching you how to stretch your dollar, reduce your grocery bill, and get FREE items by using coupons.  You will also learn how to organize your coupons.
FEE:                     $25 per person
WHEN:               October 27, 2011 & December 12, 2011
7:00pm – 9:00pm
                             2750 Jiles Road Ste 101, Kennesaw, GA  30144

TO REGISTER CALL:  678-849-0329

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent

If you buy 1 Gain laundry detergent and 2 other Gain products @ Walgreen's this week the catalina machine will spit out a $3 register reward and a $3 bonus register reward in a green color that says thank you from Gain.

Buy 1 Gain liquid laundry detergent on sale for $5 and 2 liquid dish soaps for $2.19 ea. (I think the dish soap is priced a little high might be cheaper at your Walgreens)

...5.00 50 oz liquid Gain laundry detergent
2.19 Gain dish soap
2.19 Gain dish soap
-1.00 $1/1 Gain laundry detergent
- .50 $.50/1 Gain dish soap
- .50 $.50/1 Gain dish soap

Total comes to $7.38 less $6 in register rewards = $1.38 for all 3 items
Happy Shopping..........

Monday, September 12, 2011

Free Block Buster Express Movies

Block Buster Express has FREE movies. These expire on 9/16 and are good toward the $1 movies.
Just be sure to return your movie on time to avoid any fees and enjoy FREE Movies!  Movies have to be returned by 9pm to avoid extra day rental charges.

Each Blockbuster Express code can only be used once per credit card.  Some coupon codes may be regional and not work everywhere.

.66 Honey Nut Cheerios at Publix

Honey Nut Cherrios .66 at Publix with coupon from yellow advantage ad and GM coupon from 9/11 paper.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pillsbury Grand Biscuits .55 at Target

Pillsbury Refrig Grans or Grands jr. Biscuits $1.07 you can get a coupon from &/or for $1/2   Buy 3 at Target and get 1 free.  Price .55 each with coupons.