Print a new $5 refund at on Theraflu.
Look under zip code 84010, “Healthcare” page 3. Look for the picture shown, then click on it. A new window will open with the refund form.
Get a $5 retailer gift card when you buy 1 size Theraflu Warming Relief Syrup Caplet 12/19-3/31/12.
Choose a $5 gift card from several merchants, including Walgreens, CVS, Kroger, Rite Aid, Target, and Walmart. I’m pretty sure all those retailers will have sales over the next few weeks. Send original dated sales receipt and UPC from package, along with form.
Print now, then save it for this deal coming Jan 1 at Walgreens:
Theraflu Warming Relief Syrup or Caplets $4.99
Use $3 coupon SS 12/4
Use $5 Gift Rebate at
Final Price FREE with $3 profit!!!!!